
Configuring Your System

Install the appropriate software and verify that your system is properly configured as described in the release notes that came with your software package. When you have finished the installation, verify that your .cshrc or setup file contains lines similar to the following:

setenv XILINX location_of_Xilinx_software
setenv LCA $XILINX/mentor/data
setenv SIMPRIMS $LCA/simprims
set path=($XILINX/bin/sol \
$XILINX/mentor/bin/sol $MGC_HOME/bin  $path )


Path names of directories will vary. (For example, $XILINX/bin/sol would be $XILINX/bin/hp if you are running the Xilinx software on an HP workstation.) For more information on paths and environment variables, refer to the release notes that came with your software package.

XILINX is the directory where all Xilinx software is located.

LCA is the directory which includes Mentor-Interface files such as Xilinx libraries, translators, and scripts.

SIMPRIMS is the directory where the Mentor SIMPRIM models are located.

Modifying Mentor Graphics Variables

Make sure that the following Mentor Graphics specific variables are set correctly:

Refer to the release notes for additional information on paths and environment variables.
