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HDL designs can either be synthesized as a flat module or as many small modules. Each methodology has its advantages and disadvantages, but as higher density FPGAs are created, the advantages of hierarchical designs outweigh any disadvantages.
Advantages to building hierarchical designs are as follows.
Disadvantages to building hierarchical designs are as follows.
Most of the disadvantages listed above can be overcome with careful design consideration when choosing the design hierarchy.
By effectively partitioning your designs, you can significantly reduce compile time and improve synthesis results. Here are some recommendations for partitioning your designs.
Restrict Shared Resources to Same Hierarchy LevelResources that can be shared should be on the same level of hierarchy. If these resources are not on the same level of hierarchy, the synthesis tool cannot determine if these resources should be shared.
Compile Multiple Instances TogetherYou may want to compile multiple occurrences of the same instance together to reduce the gate count. However, to increase design speed, do not compile a module in a critical path with other instances.
Restrict Related Combinatorial Logic to Same Hierarchy LevelKeep related combinatorial logic in the same hierarchical level to allow the synthesis tool to optimize an entire critical path in a single operation. Boolean optimization does not operate across hierarchical boundaries. Therefore, if a critical path is partitioned across boundaries, logic optimization is restricted. In addition, constraining modules is difficult if combinatorial logic is not restricted to the same level of hierarchy.
Separate Speed Critical Paths from Non-critical PathsTo achieve satisfactory synthesis results, locate design modules with different functions at different levels of the hierarchy. Design speed is the first priority of optimization algorithms. To achieve a design that efficiently utilizes device area, remove timing constraints from design modules.
Restrict Combinatorial Logic that Drives a Register to Same Hierarchy LevelTo reduce the number of CLBs used, restrict combinatorial logic that drives a register to the same hierarchical block.
Restrict Module SizeRestrict module size to 100 - 200 CLBs. This range varies based on your computer configuration; the time required to complete each optimization run; if the design is worked on by a design team; and the target FPGA routing resources. Although smaller blocks give you more control, you may not always obtain the most efficient design. For the final compilation of your design, you may want to compile fully from the top down. Check with your synthesis vendor for guidelines.
Arrange your design hierarchy so that registers drive the module output in each hierarchical block. Registering outputs makes your design easier to constrain because you only need to constrain the clock period and the ClockToSetup of the previous module. If you have multiple combinatorial blocks at different levels of the hierarchy, you must manually calculate the delay for each module. Also, registering the outputs of your design hierarchy can eliminate any possible problems with logic optimization across hierarchical boundaries.
By restricting one clock to each module, you only need to describe the relationship between the clock at the top level of the design hierarchy and each module clock. By restricting one clock to the entire design, you only need to describe the clock at the top level of the design hierarchy.
Note: See your synthesis tool documentation for more information on optimizing logic across hierarchical boundaries and compiling hierarchical designs.