Although this tutorial uses the Mentor Graphics Design Manager and the Xilinx Design Manager to process the Calc design, you can also manually run the individual programs that these graphical tools run.
This section details command sequences that you can use to perform the translations the Xilinx Design Manager performs in this tutorial. The commands are written as you would type them at the system prompt or in a batch file. You may also see a summary of these system commands by using the Utilities Command History and Utilities
Command Preview selections in Design Manager or Flow Engine. Once you are in the Command History or Command Preview dialog box, select the display Mode to Command Line to see the detailed system commands, including command-line options, used by Flow Engine. You can cut and paste from these Command dialog boxes into your text editor to create batch files.
The commands listed here are slightly different from the commands in the Command History and Command Preview windows. The commands listed here show how you would typically execute the Xilinx programs from the system prompt, outside of the Xilinx Design Manager framework. The commands listed in the Command History and Command Preview windows reflect how Flow Engine executes Xilinx programs to fit into the Xilinx Design Manager framework.
vlib mywork
vmap work mywork
vcom -qhpro_syminfo src/seg7dec.vhd
vcom -explicit -qhpro_syminfo src/alu.vhd
pld_dve -s calc xc4000e
qhpro calc -lib work -ini modelsim.ini
[synthesize HDL modules]
pld_men2edif calc xc4000e -b a
ngdbuild -p XC4000E -uc calc_4ke.ucf calc.edif
map -p XC4003E-4-PC84 -o calc_map.ncd -oe normal
calc.ngd calc.pcf
trce calc_map.ncd -a -o calc_map.twr
par -w -l 4 calc_map.ncd calc.ncd calc.pcf
trce calc.ncd -a -o calc.twr
ngdanno calc.ncd calc_map.ngm
ngd2edif -v mentor -w calc.nga calc.edn
bitgen calc.ncd -l -w
pld_edif2tim calc.edn
pld_dve -s calc_lib/calc xc4000e
pld_quicksim calc_lib/calc -cp -tim typ -consm