The following Xilinx specific files are involved in processing a design through the Mentor interface:
- The EDN file is a post-route EDIF netlist file that expresses timing in SIMPRIM library elements instead of Unified Libraries elements.
- The NCD file contains a representation of the physical design.
- The NGA file contains physical timing delay information.
- The NGD file contains a logical design hierarchy expressed in the Xilinx implementation primitives.
- The NGM file contains a representation of the logical design. It also contains optimization information.
- The NGO file contains netlist information in a proprietary data base format; it is a binary file.
- The SDF file contains timing delay information.
- The V file contains the structural design based on Verilog-based SIMPRIM models.
- The VHD file contains the structural design based on VHDL-based SIMPRIM models.
- The XNF file is the Xilinx netlist format used prior to the use of EDIF in the current release. In the current Mentor Interface flow, XNF is only used as an import format option.
- The PCF file is the physical constraints file.
- The UCF file is the User Constraint File for specifying the user's timing and placement constraints for place and route.