You can use either the pld_da icon or the Navigator to invoke Design Architect from the Design Manager.
To invoke Design Architect with the pld_da icon in the Tools Window, double-click the left mouse button on the pld_da icon. A Design Architect window similar to that shown in the Design Architect Window figure appears but without displaying a schematic. You can use the Open Sheet icon in the Session Palette to open a schematic sheet.
If you want to load a specific design, you can invoke Design Architect from the Navigator as follows:
Figure 3.1 Design Architect Window |
To exit Design Architect, move the cursor to the title bar of the Design Architect window, press the right mouse button, and select Quit from the popup menu.
If a design is not loaded into the schematic window, the Session Palette (session_palette) appears on the right-hand side of the Design Architect window. If one design is presently loaded and you want to also load another design, click on the Session icon in the schemataic_add_route Session Palette.
To load an existing schematic into the Design Architect window, follow these steps.
Figure 3.2 Open Sheet Dialog Box |
If the component has not yet been created, open pld_da in the Tool Window. Then open a sheet from the Session Palette. In the Open Sheet dialog box, assign the component a name and click OK.
When you save your schematic in Design Architect, the following items are created:
The design component directory may contain schematic files, symbol files, and viewpoint files. The design directory and the design.mgc_component.attr file together are known as a Mentor component object.
You cannot mix old XC4000EX library components with XC4000X library components. Use Convert Design to convert XC4000EX designs to XC4000X before instantiating new XC4000X library components.
In Design Architect, the Xilinx Libraries menu contains the Unified Libraries. The Unified Libraries are a collection of libraries that conform to standards set for the appearance, function, and naming conventions of the library elements. This standardization allows you to easily convert from one Xilinx architecture to another. You should use the primitives and the macros in the Unified Libraries to create new designs. Refer to the XACT Libraries Guide for detailed information on the Xilinx Libraries.
Primitives and MacrosThe Xilinx Libraries contain the following types of components:
LogiBLOX allows you to synthesize common data functions such as addition, that are optimized for a particular family. Refer to the LogiBLOX User Guide for information on LogiBLOX components.
Using the Xilinx LibrariesThe following procedure describes selecting a component from the Unified Libraries and placing it in your schematic. Do not mix components from different technologies (families).
From within Design Architect, select and place library components as follows:
Bus rippers are Mentor Graphics-supplied special components that connect nets to specific signals on a bus. You can obtain bus rippers by selecting the rip component in the Logic submenu in the Unified Libraries. These components are the same as rip components in the MGC Digital Libraries gen_lib.
A bus ripper consists of two pins. The narrow end is the wire end and the wide end is the bundle end. The wire end always connects to a net or smaller bus, and the bundle end connects to a bus. The bus ripper can tap all or a set of signals into a new bus. Refer to the following figure for an example of a bus ripper.
Figure 3.3 Bus Ripper |
In Mentor, there are two types of bus rippers, implicit and explicit. An explicit ripper uses the RULE property to specify the index. The RULE property lets you specify a name for the net. An implicit ripper does not have a rule property and the name of the net must be the same as the name of the bus.
To add a bus ripper to a bus, perform the following procedure:
Figure 3.4 Choose Bus Bit Dialog Box |
Figure 3.5 Setup Ripper Dialog Box |
An explicit ripper has a RULE property, which defines the bit or bits being tapped from the bus. By default, the RULE property is set to R, but you must change the property value to represent the bit or bits you want tapped from the bus.
To change the property value, perform the following procedure:
Although a few differences exist when comparing PLD designs to other ASIC or board-level designs, PLD schematic design generally involves the same techniques used when you design other technologies. Most of these differences involve adding Xilinx PLD-specific attributes to schematic components. This information is used by the design implementation software during placement and routing of your design.
In Design Architect, adding Xilinx attributes is called property annotation. Property annotation is used to add design information called properties to schematics and symbols. These added properties describe characteristics of a component that are not identifiable from the schematic drawing alone. They provide information to the implementation tools during the processing of your schematic design.
This section describes the properties that are unique to Mentor or that are required when working with Xilinx PLDs using Mentor.
Properties, or attributes, are instructions placed on symbols or nets in an FPGA or CPLD schematic that allow you to control aspects of software processing. They express information specific to each design, unlike run-time options entered in the Xilinx Design Manager.
This section describes the properties that are unique to Mentor schematics or that are required. The Xilinx Libraries Guide describes the other attributes that you can place on a Mentor schematic.
PINTYPEAdd the PINTYPE property to a pin to identify it as input or output for pld_dve. Pld_dve uses the PINTYPE property to determine the pin directionality of all of the symbol's pins. When adding PINTYPE properties, select PINTYPE from the list of properties and type in, out, or ixo for input, output, or bidirectional, respectively, in the value box.
INSTUse the INST property to uniquely identify an instantiation of a component or symbol in a design. Design Architect assigns a default INST property to the symbol of each instantiation (I$1, I$2, and so forth), and the INST value is appended to the hierarchical path.
COMPUse the COMP property to indicate that a simulation model exists for a primitive. All Xilinx primitives have a COMP property.
Do not place the COMP property on user symbols since COMP indicates that the symbol is a Xilinx library primitive.
CYMODEUse the CYMODE property on the Carry Mode symbol to identify the mode for the dedicated carry logic in an XC4000 CLB.
INTERNALUse the INTERNAL property to identify unbonded IOBs.
Use the following procedure to add properties to instances, pins, or nets.
Figure 3.6 Add Property Dialog Box |
For some properties, the property name and the property value are identical.
Use the Net property to label signals in your design. To add a Net property, you can either follow the instructions in the Adding Properties section or follow these steps:
You can only modify property values, not property names.
To modify a property's values, perform the following steps:
Figure 3.7 Modify Properties Dialog Box |
Figure 3.8 Modify Property Dialog Box |
The Mentor netlist writer program (ENWRITE) converts all property names to lowercase letters, and the Xilinx netlist reader EDIF2NGD then converts the property names to uppercase letters. To ensure references from one constraint to another are processed correctly, observe these guidelines:
The Mentor netlist writer program (ENWRITE) converts all property names to lowercase letters, and the Xilinx netlist reader EDIF2NGD then converts the property names to uppercase letters. To ensure references from one constraint to another are processed correctly, observe these guidelines: