You can now submit the VHDL and SDF files to ModelSim for timing simulation. There is no longer a need to use QuickHDL Pro.
Before performing timing simulation on an HDL-based design, the VHDL SIMPRIM libraries must be compiled with vcom. Your system administrator should perform this during installation. Perform these steps:
If your designs do not have an external global set or reset port or a user defined internal net driving the global set/reset net, then a ROC (Reset on Configuration) cell is automatically added to your VHDL netlist. This cell enables you to toggle the global set/reset net at the beginning of simulation by defining the pulse width of the signal pulse starting at time 0. By default, the pulsewidth is 0 which enables simulation to proceed but does not reset the circuit. To properly simulate the reset behavior of the chip, the pulse width generic should be set to a value within the range found in the Xilinx Databook for the particular device.
You can modify the following configuration for the technology's specific pulse width and user's testbench and compile it before you compile the testbench.
CONFIGURATION cfg_my_timing_testbench OF my_testbench IS
FOR my_testbench_architecture
FOR ALL:my_design USE ENTITY work.my_design(structure);
FOR structure
FOR ALL:roc USE ENTITY work.roc(roc)v)
GENERIC MAP ( width => 100 ms);
END cfg_my_timing_testbench;
Verilog designs do not require ports to drive the global/set reset net from a testbench. Therefore Verilog designs do not contain the ROC cell. The same signal name found in the front end can be used to drive the signal in the back-annotated design. The signal must be driven, or all flip-flops will initialize as X.
VHDL designs that contain oscillator cells like OSC, OSC4, or OSC5, must have the clock period set with a configuration statement. By default, the period is 0, disabling the oscillator. You should carefully select the period from the range of viable periods found in the Xilinx Databook for the particular technology. A specific period is not guaranteed because the cell is subject to process variations. You should select the value that best meets your simulation requirements.
You can use the following configurations for either the OSC, OSC4, or OSC5 cells by just changing the name of the cell and modifying the pulse width to the correct value.
CONFIGURATION cfg_my_functional_testbench OF my_testbench IS
FOR my_testbench_architecture
FOR ALL:my_design USE ENTITY work.my_design(my_design_rtl);
FOR my_design_rtl
FOR ALL:my_submodule USE ENTITY work.my_submodule(my_submodule_rtl);
FOR my_submodule_rtl
FOR all: osc4 USE ENTITY work.osc4(structure)
GENERIC MAP ( period_8m => 125 NS); >
END cfg_my_testbench_functional;
You can drive Verilog designs by the signal name used to drive the front-end simulation since the hierarchical name is preserved.
Before performing timing simulation on an HDL-based design, you must compile your VHDL modules with vcom.
This procedure assumes that you are using ModelSim. QuickHDL provides the same functionality as ModelSim. If you are using QuickHDL instead of ModelSim, see the ModelSim and QuickHDL appendix for details on how to modify this procedure.
This procedure creates HDL database files that you can submit to ModelSim.
Simulate with ModelSim using vsim. To include the timing information in the SDF file, invoke vsim with the -sdftyp option. Refer to the Mentor documentation for information on available options.