
Timing Simulation

Schematic Designs

The procedure for performing timing simulation on pure schematic designs, designs with XNF elements, designs with LogiBLOX elements, and mixed-model schematic-at-top designs is the same. Follow these steps:

  1. Use pld_edif2tim to create a Mentor EDDM model.

    pld_edif2tim design_name.edn

  2. Create a viewpoint using pld_dve:

    pld_dve -s design_lib/design technology [viewpoint_name]

  3. Run pld_quicksim to perform the timing simulation by using the following syntax:

    pld_quicksim -cp design_lib/design_name

    This command brings up DVE for cross-probing.

    For example:

    pld_quicksim -cp test_lib/test

  4. Cross-probe between the original design and the new design.

  5. Open the Viewpoint that was used to create the original design EDIF netlist.

  6. Open the schematic sheet in pld_dve.

  7. Select the signals to trace in the pld_dve schematic.

    Pld_quicksim automatically creates a trace window and adds the selected signals to it. Use pld_dve's schematic sheet window as if it were the sheet in the pld_quicksim window.

Pure HDL Designs

You can create either an output EDIF file or output VHDL/Verilog file from the Xilinx Design Manager (or Xilinx core tool scripts).

EDIF Method

  1. Submit the design to pld_edif2tim, which converts an EDIF netlist to a Mentor single-object EDDM file that can be submitted to pld_quicksim for timing simulation. Use this syntax:

    pld_edif2tim design_name.edn

    This step creates a design library, design_lib, containing the design on which you can perform timing simulation.

  2. Create a viewpoint with pld_dve:

    pld_dve -s design_lib/design_name technology

  3. Simulate the timing with pld_quicksim:

    pld_quicksim design_lib/design_name

VHDL/Verilog Method

  1. Compile the HDL source files with vcom:

    vcom [options] design_name

    See the Mentor documentation for a description of the available options.

  2. Simulate the timing with ModelSim:

    vsim options [-lib_name] [primary [architecture [primary] ...]
